Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kim's clothes

I was attempting to leave the house wearing a sweatshirt of hers. She caught me as I was walking down the hall before walking out the door.

"No! Not that one! You can't wear that one!"

I was so close.

But, she didn't object to my wearing another one of her sweatshirts that was lying on my bedroom floor because I had been wearing around the house the previous day. Too bad it didn't match my outfit as well as the one she made me take off.

I would have washed it this morning! And it's just a sweatshirt!

And she said something about it being more hers because it's from a school in Dublin where her roommate is from. Maybe I should have pointed out that I was going to hang out with my friend who lives in Dublin AND I would have been able to wash it this morning with my last load of laundry because it's the same color.

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