Saturday, May 5, 2007

We are family... I got all my sisters and me.

What's funny about Heather's last post is that its 100% true.
I really did believe that Santa would come in and hurt me. Every other child loved him... and I was terrified of him.

Nobody would let me sleep with them... Heather needed her "privacy", mom and dad said NO, so I had one option left...


Whats funny about Heather is that she sleeps like a log. Nothing and no one wakes her up. I took full advantage of it. I used to wait till she was asleep and I would sneak in her room and crawl over to the bed and get in it. I would wake up in the morning when her alarm went off... becuase I am a light sleeper and it took her 23 minutes to realize it was going off and sneak out. She never knew. Just like that I paraded in on her privacy. She also slept with every belonging that she had in her bed. Phones, jewerly, books, toys, boxes, you name it, it was in her bed. Being so, she kept herself in one corner of the bed which worked to my advantage. I just replaced the items in her bed.

Now, Paige literally just switched from her crib to a big girl bed and that was my last resort. She was a baby... literally... and I thought that she would protect me. Ha. I do still love to sleep with them. Just not in the same bed anymore.

What is great about my sisters, and most sisters in this world is that they can't and won't stop loving you. No matter what you tell them, how you act, how weird you are... they are your sisters and they will love you no matter what. There is not even a choice in the matter. That is my favorite thing about my sisters... I can tell them anything, and act any way... and the love never stops.



Mrs. Toney said...

What worries me is two things: 1) Cheryl knows that it true that I am such a heavy sleeper... I would imagine that when she reads it, there will be a whole string of posts on the subject seeing as how we were roommates for our freshman year of college. :) 2) Since I still sleep with so many things on the bed, I'm worried that when I get married, I'll have to have a patient husband that won't mind sleeping with me and 1,000 things. You should see all the stuff on my bed right now. I have books, laundry, pillows, calenders, bags, and pretty much anything you can find.

But seriously...compared to thinking Santa would hurt you... sleeping with lots of things on the bed looks normal, right?

Cheryl said...

umm this is all to Heather, not to Ashley, but I'm sure everyone will find it funny.

Yes. I remember you being a way heavy sleeper and having lots of stuff on your bed.

It did work out for me though, staying up late to write papers, having late visitors, getting up for my 8 a.m. class on the multiple days you didn't have class.

I also remember one time when you got up in the middle of the night and started going through your dresser drawers. I was asleep and it woke me up. I asked if you were okay, and you said, "It's so hot in here! I'm just so hot!" And you changed from your pj pants to boxer shorts.

And then there was that time I was up talking online while you were sleeping, and out of nowhere you said, "Hey, do you want to play a game?" as if you were completely awake. So I said yes, and you said, "How about, you are annoying!" I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did the night you said that to me, completely asleep and unaware that you were even talking to me.